Frequently Asked Questions

Shipping & Returns

How much will shipping cost?

Shipping is FREE with no tracking. If you would like to track your order, select 'Track My Order' at checkout and a flat fee of $10 will be added to your order.

Shipping costs and payment fees are recognized before confirming the purchase.

Note: As of right now, I'm only selling flat merchandise. In the future, I may sell items that are non-flat and will require bulkier packaging, which will then have an added cost for shipping. Shipping prices are subject to change.

What is your delivery time?

Please expect 5-10 business days for packing and shipping out orders. Shipping times may vary depending on your location.

Do you accept orders placed outside of the United States?

As of this time I do not ship internationally. I do hope to expand in the future!

What is your return policy?

After orders are shipped out, orders are nonrefundable. However, if your order has the incorrect item or is missing an item, please fill out the contact form with your name, order number, a description of your situation, and include photos within 10 days of arrival; we can work together to rectify your order.

My Order

Can I track my order?

If you would like to track your order, there is a $5.00 fee.

You can select the option, 'Track My Order', and get a tracking number for your order. Tracking allows me to determine the exact location, estimated shipping time for your order, and contact the carrier if your package is lost. If your package gets lost, and you did not purchase tracking, I will not be able to provide more information or reimburse you.

What if I ordered the wrong item(s)?

If your order has not yet been shipped, fill out the contact form with your name, order number, and the items you would like swapped so I can help you.

What if I receive the wrong item(s)?

Within 10 days of arrival, fill out the contact form with your name, order number, the item(s) incorrectly received, photos, and the item(s) you meant to order. I will help you as soon as I can!


Do you take commissions?

Commissions are accepted based on my availability. Please fill out the contact form and we can discuss your request.

I'm a business, can I buy wholesale?

Please fill out the contact form for more information.

Is this actually a cult?
